Saturday, May 9, 2015

What's in your dishwashing liquid?

Have you ever wondered what is in the dishwashing liquid that we all keep beneath our sinks?  In my quest to create an healthier home for my family the latest thing to go was dish liquid...I found scary chemicals in the most common brands, even green brands, when doing my research.  In a nutshell, for those of us who are not scientists (like me!), here is what I discovered.

The most common chemicals for dishwashing liquid are: phosphates, triclosan, 1.4 dioxane, Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Fragrance, DEA, MEA, TEA, coal tar dyes, alkyl phenoxy ethanols, chlorine, formaldehyde and ammonia.    Three of those immediately stood out to me as obviously harmful - chlorine, formaldehyde and ammonia.  The chlorine releases chemicals into air when used, the formaldehyde was recently added to the list of known carcinogens, and ammonia can be dangerous to your eyes, respiratory tract and skin.  That's just the tip of the iceburg.  

It's what I found when I researched the ingredients that are unknown to me that was seriously freaky.  

  • Triclosan has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal attributes, but has been known to disrupt the thyroid and endocrine system and accumulate in the body.
  • 1,4 Dioxane has been listed as a probable carcinogen.
  • SLS is what makes the bubbly foam.  It can cause skin rashes, eye irritations and allergic reactions.
  • Fragrances are made with over 3000 chemicals.  3000! The overwhelming recommendation from sources is to use Therapeutic grade Essential Oils, like Young Living Essential Oils.  
  • Coal Tar Dyes are what give your dish liquid it's bright colour.  They are also giving your dish liquid trace amounts of arsenic, cadmium and lead.  This can be absorbed through your skin, or ingested off your plates.  It is often also listed as colours "CL, FD&C or D&C"
  • APE's have been found stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells when tested on animals.
Seriously.  I kid you not.

I have two solutions to offer you if this is as worrisome to you as it is to me.  The most economical solution is to make your own dish liquid, using only a few all natural ingredients and Young Living Essential Oils.

Here is the recipe I use.  It's phenomenal. My husband is raving about how well it cleans the frying pans - even those caked with grease!

DIY Citrus Dish Soap Recipe:

1 cup of liquid castile soap (I use Dr. Bromner's unscented)
1/3 cup of water
1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin (optional)
5 drops YL Lemon Essential Oil
5-10 drops YL Purification Essential Oil
1/2 teaspoon fine salt (to help the oil and water mix)

And that's it.  Should be stored in a glass bottle, because Essential Oils can break down plastic over time.

Young Living Essential Oils can be ordered at, or join my Facebook Group Lisa's Young Living Oils for more info and education on how to safely use the oils!


If you really don't want to make your own...Norwex has dishwashing liquid that can be ordered here.  Norwex's new greener formula is biodegradable and free from phthalates, SLS, SLES and dyes.  Ultra- concentrated and 100% all natural, this gentle sudsking formula reduces soap use by 70% as it gets your dishes spotless, even in the hardest water.  Scented with Essential Oil of clementine for a crisp, citrus aroma.  If you love chemical free, truly green products you should also join Norwex by Lisa! reason to expose your family to this plethora of seriously harmful chemicals.  There are other options, and they are phenomenal!