Friday, April 3, 2015

DIY - Thieves Antibacterial Spray

Thieves Essential Oil was what originally made me love Young Living and it's products.  To set the scene, I was living at Ronald Mcdonald House Toronto with my husband and son while we waited to hear if he would receive a much needed gastronomy feeding tube, and then my son (who has a single ventricle heart defect) starting sneezing, coughing and having a runny nose.  Immediately we knew that this would delay any surgery, which would be incredibly frustrating because we live four provinces away and had left our daughter at home with her grandparents.  I expressed this frustration to another Mom with a Heart Warrior living at Ronald Mcdonald House, and she told me about Thieves.  I was skeptical - my daily cleaning repertoire was mr. clean, lysol and hand sanitizer.  But I took a leap and tried it...She lent me her diffuser and put the Thieves spray into it for me...and 24 hours later - Jake was no longer getting sick.  I ignored our tight budget and bought the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living, and began my own journey with Essential Oils.

Thieves has always been my favourite Essential Oil, as anyone who has talked to me about the oils can attest - I have such great enthusiasm for the product and what it can do for you and your family's health.  To tell you about Thieves, I have to backtrack to the 1300's and the Bubonic Plague that wiped out 30-60% of Europe's population.  Yes, you read that right - the 14th century AD.  As the legend goes, during the Bubonic Plague there were a band of thieves who were robbing the dead and sick.  When they were caught, they were offered leniency if they shared their secret for having contact with those afflicted by the plague without becoming sick themselves.  Their secret was a recipe for Four Thieves Vinegar.  Yes, it's a legend - but as a History major I can tell you that within most legends there is truth to be found.  

Young Living's Thieves Essential Oil contains clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus (E. radiata). It is a powerful blend that has many household and personal uses.  The uses for this essential oil are so varied that it will take more than one post to cover them.  Thieves spray has proven to kill 99.96% of almost every microbe presented to it - including airbourne bacteria, virus, staph, strep and pneumonia. This post is to introduce you to the amazing, 3 ingredient DIY Thieves Antibacterial Cleaner.  I use this cleaner all over my house, and feel so comfortable using it around my kids that I even spray my 2 year old's high chair tray with it.  

Thieves has been investigated for it's power against toxic mold.  In 2005 a mold remediation expert, Dr. Edward Close used the power of Thieves in a household where the strongest existing mold remedies had failed to remove the mold.  He discovered through diffusing the Thieves and measuring the mold spores at each 24 hour interval, that after 72 hours of diffusing all mold spores had been eradicated.  Here were his results:

  • From 10,667 mold spores on a test spot, to 13 after 48 hours of diffusing
  • From 13 to 0 mold spores on the same test spot after 72 hours of diffusing
Dr. Close followed this success with many more successful experiments and concluded that Thieves oil was the perfect treatment for toxic mold because of three factors: it was powerful, it was safe, and the effects were long-lasting - the mold spores continued to decrease for weeks after use.  

Thieves Essential Oil is a pure, unadulterated oil with no synthetics or fillers.  There are no ingredients except those named above - clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus.  For this reason it has been approved for internal consumption in the United States, and I regularly use it in my tea or on a sore throat with spectacular results.  Please note that only YOUNG LIVING oils are safe to use topically, through aromatherapy, or internally.  No other Essential Oil company can compare to the Seed to Seal Guarantee.  

You are probably thinking...geez, this lady can go on and on about this Thieves oil.  So I'll get back to the point of this post - the Thieves Spray.  It's powerful, safe to use around your littlest family members or pets, and proven effective.  Still skeptical? Check this out.

To make this cleaner you need 3 ingredients and a reusable spray bottle.  I got my spray bottle for $4.99 at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  


Young Living Thieves Essential Oil
Castile Soap (unscented)

That's it!

Here's how you put it together for a super powerful, all natural and amazing smelling cleaner that you can feel good about using in your home.

1. Put one drop per ounce of water into the spray bottle.  If you want an extra powerful batch use one drop per half an ounce of water.  For my recipe I had 25 drops of Thieves for 25 ounces of water.

2.  Add your selected amount of water.  For example, if you did 25 drops of Thieves oil, then you need 25 ounces of water (or roughly 13 ounces for a super powerful batch)

3.  Add your castile soap - approximately 3 tablespoons for each cup of water.  In this recipe, 25 ounces of water is roughly 3 cups, so I needed 9 tablespoons of castile soap.

4.  Shake well before each use.

Spray, wipe, sniff, feel great about the non-toxic way you are cleaning your home.  I also use this spray to disinfect my kid's toys, and spray down their car seats and remove smell from our shoes.  There are probably 101 ways to use this spray, and I am daily discovering new ones.

I love it.  And you will too, if you take the leap to try it.  How do you get Thieves oil? You can purchase it here.  Please email me any questions at and join my Facebook Group to stay updated.

YL # 2139910

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