Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wool Dryer Balls and Young Living Essential Oils

Tonight I replaced my fabric softener sheets with Wool Dryer Balls.  There are many brands of these out there, and I'm not proclaiming one as the best.  The brand I chose was Woolzies, and they claim to soften naturally, REDUCE DRYING TIME BY 25%, help eliminate wrinkles, reduce static, save energy, noise free and 100% safe for people with wool allergies.  Sounds good to me.  Particularly the chemical free, and energy reduction part.  If you have a husband who has spent the time to calculate the approximate cost of each load of laundry you dry, then you understand my excitement here.  In case your wondering, it's approximately $2-3 per load with my dryer, and I think about that every time I twist the knob to the start position.

In my research, there are a few interesting facts and suggestions I have come across that I though I'd share with you all...

  1. The store bought fabric softener that is Lavender scented contains NO real lavender - only chemicals blended to make your mind think it smells lavender.  
  2. In one scientific study, it was found that commercial fabric softeners produce mixtures of chemicals that can cause reactions such as sensory irritation, pulmonary irritation and reduction of midexpiratory airflow velocity.  Seriously! See more here.
  3. Because Young Living Essential Oils are 100% therapeutic grade, when you place lavender on your wool dryer balls - you are really experiencing lavender.  Not only that, you are smelling lavender that was steam distilled from the flowering plants grown at the Young Living farms in Simiane-la-Rotunde, France and Mona, Utah.  Lavender has a refreshing, relaxing scent with balancing properties that also calm the mind and body. I don't know about you, but I want that on my clothes and on my kid's clothes!
  4. After adding Young Living Essential Oil to the Wool Dryer Balls, run them through the dryer alone or in a close pillow case for the first use to ensure no oil spots on your clothes.  One run through, and they will be safe to use.
I had an intense internal struggle when trying to decide which of my Young Living Essential Oils was going to go on these dryer balls first.  I narrowed it down to two...Lavender and Stress Away.

And then Stress Away won.  Ahhhhh....the wonderful experience of pure  Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Lavender and Ocotea.  It is bliss.  

Here's how you do it.  Place 3-4 drops of Essential Oil on each dryer ball.  

That's it! :)

Happy Oiling! 
Lisa YL # 2139910

For more information, join my Facebook Group, leave a comment or send an email to youngliving.lisaanstey@gmail.com .  

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