Sunday, April 12, 2015

Premium Starter Kit - Canada

The Premium Starter Kit is the optimal way to begin your Young Living Essential Oil experience.  Let me tell you why!

First of all, this kit has over $300 value, but is priced at just $173.  At my first glance, I thought $173 was a bit steep but since I've done my research and started using every single included oil with my family, I no longer feel that way.  Here's why.  The premium starter kit contains all of this...

Here's a breakdown:

The Dewdrop Diffuser (a limited time availability with this Starter Kit, before it goes back to the Tulip Diffuser which has less features and is worth less $$$)

The Everyday Oils kit, which contains: Frankincense, Lavender, Peppermint, Peace and Calming, PanAway, Lemon, Joy, Thieves, Purification, and Valor.

A bonus Stress Away, with added roll on attachment for easy application

Samples of: Ningxia Red, two lavender sample packets, two peppermint sample packets, two peace and calming sample packets, and two thieves sample packets.

Welcome to Young Living bookelt, Essential Oils at a glance User's guide, Distributor Resource Guide, S.E.E.D Sharing for Success Booklet and a Product Guide.

So, there are 11 of the most commonly used Essential Oils in this Kit.  These are 5 ml bottles, which contain approximately 100 very concentrated drops of pure, unadulterated essential oil.  Given that one drop of Peppermint oil is the equivalent of 28 cups of peppermint tea, and it takes 1000 pounds of rose petals to distill 1 pound of rose oil.  This is pure goodness.  Every single drop.

Because of Young Living's Seed to Seal process and guarantee, if you purchase a bottle of peppermint oil - the only thing in that bottle is therapeutic grade peppermint oil.  However, if you purchase a bottle of peppermint oil from another brand at a local store, you are likely getting only 5% pure peppermint with the rest of the bottle being synthetics and fillers.  Honestly - a bottle labelling it's oil "pure" does not mean that it's 100% that oil.  Unless it's a Young Living oil - then it does.  It's guaranteed.

One other point that always reminds me of the value of this Premium Starter Kit, lies in how Essential Oils are produced.  Essential Oils are steam distilled by putting plant material into a large stainless steel cylinder with steam coming up from the bottom.  The steam picks up the oil sacs and moves them out through the top of the distiller.  This is then cooled and the oil floats to the top for removal.  These distilleries can be as large as 8 feet across and 20 feet tall.  If you can imagine filling cylinder that large with German Chamomile, how much oil do you think you would get from distilling this much plant material?

The answer will astound you - between 1/4 and 1/2 cup of German Chamomile Essential Oil.  

Therein lies the value of Young Living Essential Oil, and the Premium Starter Kit.  

Here is a basic chart that shows popular uses for the oils contained in the Premium Starter Kit :

I love it.  And you will too, if you take the leap to try it.  How do you get The Premium Starter Kit? You can purchase it here.  Please email me any questions at and join my Facebook Group to stay updated. 

Happy Oiling!


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